The full Assurance of faith
Jesus is the supreme High-priest, he is eternal, perfect, an appointed by God. And because of this he is able to save completely.
Application: BE Assured; stop worrying about sin -- its penalty, or it is guilt -- look to Jesus our eternal and perfect High-priest who has saved us completely.
A few years ago when I was working in an engineering firm, we used to break each morning around 10 o'clock for morning tea. And usually I would spend a whole 10 minutes trying to find just one to one engineer at work that had something interesting to say. This was no mean feat some days let me tell you.
Now I'll never forget this particular day when we got on to the topic of overseas holidays, and there was one draughtsman, who was usually particularly quite, and so I thought I'd get him involved and asked if he’d been overseas. And as I asked this question, there was a slight chuckle of laughter around the room, and he shifted a little uneasily in his seat, and mumbled something bit inaudible.
So this was like a red rag to a bull from me, and I decided that this was a story that was probably worth getting to the end of. So after a little encouragement, and a little cajoling, he decided to let down his guard down a bit and reveal the story, that everyone else there seemed to know.
So it turned out this fella, had been overseas on holiday, to Thailand to be exact. And he'd been having a great time there in the summer weather, hanging out at the beach and enjoying the cultural delights that you find in Thailand.
But his trip decidedly took a turn for the worse one night, when he was walking home from the pub. You see to cross the street from the pub in the direction he was going, he had to get across an open drain, (or what he saw was an open drain anyway). So to get across this open drain all the locals walked across this small timber plank, which is fair enough. Now the average Thai person weighs about 60 kg dripping wet, you this guy wasn't a massive guy, but he was a good 95 kg. Now you can see where this story is going can't you?
So he wandered across this plank, just as confidently as all the locals had trying to not look conspicuous by hesitating, but when he got to the middle – the plank dutifully snapped - and he fell straight through. Now fortunately he didn't have a long way to fall, and this open drain was earthen not concrete. And he found himself, in the middle of this balmy Thai evening, sitting on his backside in 2 foot of water. Which would be unpleasant at the best of times, but even worse when you discover that this open drain, is not so much drain, as an open sewer. And you in fact are sitting on your backside in 2 foot of raw sewage, trying to not look conspicuous.
And all of a sudden I could understand what he didn't like overseas too much. The irony that he was a civil draughtsman who often spent his time designing new sewage systems wasn't lost on me either. Every day at work, his work was essentially a perpetual reminder of this moment on this holiday.
So when you think about it, (which you don't want to do to hard let me assure you), you can understand what a traumatic experience this must have been for him. And for at least three reasons;
Firstly, well, just a physical impact of the stuff would have been terrible. And in case you are wondering, he response was to get as quickly as possible back to his hotel, and then proceed to have about four consecutive bath's in dettol. But that could only deal with the external impact.
Secondly, he had to get himself a trip to a Thai hospital pretty quickly, in order to check the internal medical implications of his midnight swim. And for any of you who have been through this sort of experience, (well maybe not this experience, but an experience of needing to undergo medical tests), you know the result is invariably clear (with that great disclaimer) -- for now. They always seem to have a provisional nature, and you need a follow-up tests in months to come.
And thirdly, there is the emotional impact of this kind of event. And let me tell you it was significant, not only because he never wanted to go overseas again (and the fact that he copped so much stick at work wouldn't have helped either!), but because the event itself would call you to feel embarrassed, to feel shame, and in some senses to feel guilt from what had happened. You couldn't even have a hint of a reminder of that event and not feel a little bit sick in your stomach could you?
Just the slightest recollection, and you'd be heading towards the anti bacterial soap aisle at this local supermarket.
But for this particular guy, thankfully, the worst impact to him was the emotional impact of the shame of the event.
Now As Christian people, I suspect this is how we often find ourselves relating to our own experiences, the filth of his world, called Sin. We feel guilt and shame when we recall them.
And this passage today in Hebrews, was to assure us, it's about the full assurance of faith, that God in Jesus Christ our great High-priest, has dealt with the external impact of sin -- which is the judgement of God, he has dealt with the internal impact of sin -- which is that we have been regenerated by the holy spirit to be part of the kingdom of God and not the kingdom of this world any more, but he has also purposefully and poignantly dealt with the emotional impact of sin -- our great high priest intercedes for us and has cleansed us of the guilt and shame that rightly should be ours, but became his at the Cross.
Our passage today it is about the Christian full assurance of faith;
But begins more like some sort of reality television programme, set in the combative arena of one-on-one competition what you see on Saturday night SBS, but rather than having a distinctly Asian feel, this has a distinctly Semitic feel, it's not so much iron Chef, as iron priest (which could also have been the name from an 80s metal band but I’m not positive on that!)
And in this first round of iron priest, we have the people's old Testament favourite of the Levitical priesthood -- descended from Aaron (Moses brother), up against a old Testament rank outsider, an almost unknown the challenger, Melchizedek.
The question our Preacher to the Hebrews answers for us is, who is the greater priest, Aaron's priesthood (aka the Levitical Priesthood) OR Melchizedek?
But in order to understand the writers point about priesthood, we need to understand some chronology about the old Testament, in order for his point to have its full effect.
Now when you think of the old Testament, you need to remember that the world was created back in Genesis chapters one and two and it was very good, it was very good for all of those two chapters, but then in chapter 3 things took a turn for the worse and sin entered into the world, and it has been impacting the world and mankind ever since.
Now in Ch4 and the following of Genesis, we have the stories of cane and able, followed by Noel and the Flood, then the Tower of Babel which is a decidedly downhill moment, and then God acts in chapter 12 of Genesis to put things right.
In chapter 12 God makes promises to Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel, through whom God would go on to blessed the entire world.
Now in chapter 14 of Genesis, Abraham rescues his nephew lot, and in recognition of his thankfulness to God he offers an offering to High-priest called Melchizedek.
Now this is about 2000 BC, so following on from this some 500 years later in 1500 BC, Abraham's descendants are many in number, down in Egypt and God rescues them from slavery in the events of the Exodus. God saves them and calls them his people and gives them the law, (including the 10 Commandments), to tell them how to live as his saved people.
And part of this big deal was the formation of a priesthood, Aaron Moses brother, became the father of this priesthood, and they were from the tribe of Levi.
Now going on about another 500 years to 1000 BC, King David and his son Solomon become a focal point of the promises to Abraham, and in particular they oversaw Israel inheriting their land, and building the temple of God. The place where God's name resided on earth, the place where you did business with God on earth in regard to sin. But in order to do business with God, you needed a priest to be your mediator, you couldn’t just march in yourself, you needed a priest to act on your behalf from the tribe of Levi, and more importantly from the family of Aaron.
And I’m sure a few of you are thinking so what, how is this a help?
Well since you asked, the rains of David and Solomon are something of a high point for all Israel, but especially for the Levitical priesthood. This was their moment in the sun, in the massive temple, in the centre the Israel, and with God’s anointed kings ruling, these priests live the life they were called to.
But this is the odd bit, in the midst of this, and this is central to the argument of Hebrews in this section we are looking at today, David penned these important words in Psalm 110:4
The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, you are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
Even in the height of their day, David new that a better priesthood, was needed and it had been promised to come. He foresaw the day when the Levitical priesthood would be superseded.
In this idea, in the greats of the old Testament, only being a shadow of things to come, is developed throughout the book of Hebrews. In chapter 8, our writer quotes from Jeremiah 31, and Jeremiah was around in 600 BC, and he wrote;
‘the time is coming declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant are made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt.’
Jeremiah knew, the old covenant, the covenant given to Moses, the covenant embodied and enacted by the Levitical priesthood, was always going to be superseded.
So cut a long story short:
- in 2000 BC it was clear through Abraham there was a better priesthood, than the one that would come from his son Levi.
- In 1500 BC, David told that there was a better priesthood to come, at the point when Levi's children were the unchallenged uber priests.
- In 600 BC, Jeremiah prophesied about a new covenant, and the passing away of the old covenant, and when you change covenants, you change priesthood's.
Now at the least, these three authors are a fairly formidable witness, for the Hebrew recipients of this letter.
But it is overwhelming! when you understand that the shorthand way of referring to the Hebrew Bible, is the threefold designation of the law, the prophets, and the writings. Abraham is representative of the law, David of the writings, and Jeremiah of the prophets. It is possible that the writers of the Hebrews is telling his readers that the whole of the old Testament, is preparing people, and pointing to, the coming of the new High-priest, the one who would enact the new covenant.
He is almost saying to them, why are you surprised about Jesus, it is clear when you read the scriptures, he is the fulfilment of everything else that is just a shadow.
So with our backdrop filled in, we are ready for our first round of iron priest.
And the result is an upset as Melchizedek trounces the people's favourite Aaron’s (aka Levitical) priesthood. And that's made pretty clear from chapter 7 versus 1-10 which will read now and then make a few brief comments;
1 This Melchizedek was king of Salem and Priest of god most high. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him ……. Levi was still in the Body of his ancestor.
so the first main point why Melchizedek is a better priest than Aaron, is that in Abraham, Aaron who is also a Levi's descent, presents and offering to Melchizedek. The lesser man honours the great man, Abraham honours Melchizedek. And in this action, all of Abraham’s descendents including Aaron Honour the greater man, of the greater priesthood - Melchizedek.
Not only that, Melchizedek is greater than Aaron, because he remains a priest for ever. Aaron's title is hereditary, it is only for a lifetime, and then passed on, to his offspring. Melchizedek is without beginning or end, as is his priesthood, the passage tells us. He is an eternal priest and so better than Aaron who gave up his priesthood upon death.
Now what's intriguing about Melchizedek, is that he is not only a priest, but he is also a king, (now that is way better than Aaron!).
And it's quite intriguing really, that Melchizedek is a Hebrew name (which is a little odd!) But his name literally means, ‘King of righteousness’, and he is by title and office the King of Salem, which literally means ‘King of Shalom -- King of peace’. And not just the UN type of peace, but ‘Shalom -- God's peace, gods end time rest’. The time we all await, when everything has been put on back in order, the better rest than what Joshua offered, as we saw back in Ch4.
So our writer to the Hebrews, says our first round of playing Iron priest is a lay down misere, Melchizedek trumps Aaron in every single way.
But it seems that our hard of hearing Hebrew believers, are still not certain, they think it was a lucky win in the old Testament category, and they're willing to go double or nothing for the champion of the whole Bible in the contest of Aaron (aka Levitical) Priesthood versus Jesus Priesthood.
But how preacher goes on to point out four things they need to consider in regard to their contender;
Firstly, they are going up against God's promise. Because God promised that another priest would come and he would replace Levitical priesthood and we see that in verses 11 and 12.
And Jesus is the new priesthood, by the promise of God, and he will be a High-priest for ever in the order of Melchizedek, just as God spoke in promise through his servant King David some 1000 years before in Psalm 110.
Secondly, the law that they are championing through Aaron's priesthood was weak and useless we see in verse 18, because it did not have the power to make anything perfect. It could not achieve its goal, it was without power, and could only deal with the outward appearance of sin and its effects.
Jesus is the perfect high priest who is able to perfectly save we read in V25.
Thirdly, the priesthood of Aaron had to offer sacrifices for their own sin before they could do anything about mediating for their brothers. In verse 26 we learned Jesus is a better high priest, because he is holy, blameless, pure, and set apart from sinners. And in verse 16 we learn Jesus is a better High-priest, not just because he is appointed by God, (as opposed to Aaron's son who just mechanically inherit their priesthood), Jesus high priesthood is better because it is eternal, based on an indestructible life. Jesus is a High-priest who has conquered death in his resurrection, and so can be an eternal advocate on behalf of his people.
Fourthly, Aaron's priesthood entered an earthly temple, built by human hands. Jesus priesthood entered the heavenly temple, and dealt with God face-to-face on his brother's behalf.
The Levitical priesthood could make nothing perfect, in V28 it tells us that God appointed his son as the perfect priest who makes others perfect, because his priesthood is permanent in the heavens.
Well if the first round of iron priesthood, was a resounding victory to Melchizedek over Aaron, the second-round of iron priesthood was an exhibition of a man kicking a dog, as Jesus mopped the floor with Aaron and his descendants.
If Melchizedek was the shadow of the eternal priest, and he smashed Aaron, how much more so, Jesus who is it’s the fulfilment which Melchizedek promised
The one promised by God on oath; He is the king of righteousness -- who shared his righteousness with his brothers. He is the king of peace -- who would bring God's rest to all creation, He is the great High-priest, who would enter into the true temple in heaven through the sacrifice of his own perfect life upon a cross, He is the one who proved himself worthy through his indestructible life -- of resurrection from the dead, He is the one who was holy and blameless, He is the one who has now sat down at the right hand of the throne of Majesty and He is the one who serves in the sanctuary the true tabernacle, set up by the Lord not men, He is the one who is able to save us completely, the eternal and permanent priest, He is the one who lives to intercede for us
He is God's perfect priest, who has reached his perfect goal, and perfectly intercedes for us now, so that we too, may perfectly reach the goal of God's promised rest and not fall short because of the persecution and hardship of this life.
If last week was a warning about apostasy, this week we have heard a word of great affirmation about the assurance of our faith.
In chapter 8:1 we read these words;
‘the point of what we are saying is this; we do have such a high priest.’
Brothers and sisters we have High-priest such as this, a perfect High-priest, who is able to perfectly save you. Jesus is the supreme High-priest, he is eternal, perfect, appointed by God, and because of this he is able to save us completely.
For his Hebrew hearers, our preacher is asking, ‘why would you go back to the shadow, which could never achieve the goal’. (like taking at dettol bath, when you’ve managed to get yourself hepatitis!), the old covenant and old priesthood were never going to be able to fix the problem, they were only God's down payment of his promised true solution. Only Jesus can fix the problem perfectly to ensure we reach the goal.
So what? - Well, what does it all mean?
Firstly, stop messing around in life like there are better options out there than Jesus!
If you haven't fully put your trust in Jesus as your saviour and your Lord, the Bible says clearly, you are without any hope or any assurance before God. Earlier in Hebrews it says ‘today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts’.
Well today is it, the day to take Jesus seriously -- because there are no better offers out there, and no one else who can fix your problem with Sin and God.
If that's you, then pray to God and ask him to forgive you because of Jesus and his death on the cross in your place, and then be assured that God forgives the those who truly turn to him with genuine heart, and if you do, well then you better come and speak to me, because we'd like to help you figure out what to do next in your new life with Jesus.
Secondly, what does it mean for us who have been Christians for a while?
It means, our sin has been fully deal with. If the blood of bulls and goats under the old covenant could not cleanse the conscience of men, nor deal properly with the wrath of God, we now know for certain that Jesus our great High-priest can. He offered the perfect sacrifice, of his own life, and he now lives and intercede for us.
If you're wondering about the penalty of your sin, you feel weighed down by your sin before God, look at Jesus. At the cross we see the sign paid in full. Jesus is not a medical practitioner who needs further tests in order to be conclusive in his pronouncement.
Carry the weight of your Sin no longer, but look at Jesus who took the penalty for us, as chapter 9 verse 27 tells us, ‘just as man is destined to die once and after that to face judgement, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.’
Maybe the penalty doesn’t bother you, that’s not your issue, but you're worrying about the guilt of your sin, well, if you feel unclean because of your Sin before God, look at Jesus. His shed blood washes away our filth out dirt and our shame.
His one time penalty, is the sure grounds for us that he lives and intercedes for us now, so that we will be made perfect just as he is perfect, he is not ashamed to call us his brothers. Jesus is our great High-priest who has dealt with the penalty of sin, who has renewed us within so we are slaves to sin no more, and who has washed away guilt and our shame. Our sin was our doing, but it is no longer our possession, it was purchased from us at a great price.
Jesus our great High-priest, has taken away from us the penalty of sin, the power of sin (Christ is now our lord, not sin), and he has taken away the guilt and shame of sin.
Chapter 10:19 Therefore Brothers since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way that is opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great High-priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having a hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope which we profess for he who promised his faithful
Jesus high priesthood, compels us, even commands us, and draws us near to commune and converse with God our father in all our life but especially in the face of persecution much and hardship, and to do that through the access his priesthood opens up in prayer.
A Book Read - The Accidental Anglican
13 years ago
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